

If you are the dreamer, I am what you dream. But when you want to wake, I am your wish and I grow strong with all magnificence and turn myself into a stars vast silence. Above the strange and distant city.

What would it feel like to dive into the clouds?
Would you arise soaked in rain?
Their solid appearance, would you break?
Bending between the seems of space,
the emptiness of air.
Above everything, it's all so small.
The reflections of playhouses stacked amongst the trees.
It's hard to breathe down there.
I'd like to pass through these clouds,
perhaps break but that wouldn't hurt.
For I am the clouds and the space within them.
Would I transcend into the light from the sun?
If so, I would cry.
To be a part of such magnificent beauty.
My heart would implode on itself with love.
Reborn into the universe.

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