
Make me wonder

Everything feels so heavy. 
Dripping wet with other distorted views of 'reality'. A lot of change happening around me at the moment. A very thick heavy cloud is surrounding my space, not a black one though. Not completely negative. Just a cloud of a thousand things at once. I can feel my heart chakra exploding with overwhelming energy. Part of me does feel stuck though, that I'm looking at my life from outside my self and I ask whose it is. In this process of changing I feel a part of my self shining through the darkness. So many shooting stars thrown my way that they only get caught in the tangle of clustered energy surrounding me, not letting them in. My heart is open but this human life I cannot understand. I want to evaporate into endless space, cutting ties from this physical world of suffering. It may sound like I do not have any hope right now for the world but that is not true. It just saddens me to see how much evil and distortion is placed upon us. So easily can our mirrors fog up and it is only up to us to polish them. Polish the mirror reflecting our true selves. Growing within this vessel - I do feel blessed to be healthy and alive. I live a fortunate life filled with love surrounding me, but why is the pain always so clear? 
The innocence of childhood, being enveloped by our imagination and the absence of the weighted world. That is always in my heart but swimming in the sea of suffering can cloud my vision. I want a raft made out of wood and bamboo, nothing else needed. Instantly my mind goes to "But you need food! and water! and this! and that!" 
I just want a raft, made out of wood and bamboo. And to sail upon the open sea stretched out into the sunrise. I want to evaporate with the suns rays and only become light. Letting go of this human world.


Shifting and evolving in each and every place
feeling the rhythm we fasten our pace
creating karma that widens the sky
energy lifted so high we can read your mind
the causes we make create us to be free
if you let your being just be
pulsing with energy
creating a constellation of causes and effects
pulling in what is meant to be
in another lifetime
a sister
a brother
an enemy
shifting and evolving in each and every place
lifetimes interconnected and shared in the galaxy
imprinting only how we're meant to be

 My mind swirls with beautiful butterflies
invisible in the pool of time
emotions, different colors
all fail to be the perfect lullabies
beautiful yellows
kisses of red
falling through my bed
this smile cannot fade
my card, the ace of spades
a jigsaw puzzle called life
beautiful, breathtaking
each piece: a place, a person
aligning with each other
they shift into their perfect fit
others move along
finding their hidden song
igniting fires
and watching the embers burn
into their own universe
these stars give birth and die
all within the time
of her last cigarette


Dance with me

It's really the only time besides when in nature that my heart feels completely in light. When in music and when surrounded by love. This same euphoric state is whispered through the wind when sitting underneath a tree. Holding onto this feeling slips away sometimes but the light is always there. Always. Listening to the leaves break as they fall into the open arms of mother nature. The rhythm held by the earths vibration. Capturing memories of a seasons embrace. Just as lovers come and go, just as seasons change. Our heart hold a light that is eternal. 
We don't need any THING.  

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

You are all forever

My fallen leaves of memories 

We can fade together

When our bodies break
Our connections will still vibrate through the stars

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

We are the sunrise
Let go of everything

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins 


Cut these ties

Break me out of this human body, although it is a rare form to be within - it holds heaviness only the moon knows. 

Everything needing to be explained, reasons for emotion when emotion is just riding the different waves of energy. Nothing attached, only light. 

Only the sky at night understands my cry while the river listens patiently to my worries. The sun embraces the happiness that fuels my soul but is sometimes lost amongst the mortals of the world. Compassionate detachment is a silk thread to grasp floating in black water. Not letting the pain inside my space, keeping out the darts that are thrown by strangers walking by. Yes a heart wide open is a beautiful thing but the water gets shaky. 

The strongest urge inside my veins is to leave. To be consumed in the unknown. Peace Corps? To be surrounded by unfamiliar faces who genuinely need a different treble of energy. 
How can I describe this? 
In colors that don't exist. 

In words that are empty next to my forested heart. 
There is where the roses thrive in baths of blood, reaching for the moonlight. 
Birds sing on their branches, finding soul mates with a song instead of an explanation. 



Spread across solemn distances, your smile entered my heart.

 The blood within us all is strong, musical heartbeats as one. 

My ripened mind
overlaps itself
painting with vibrant melodies
reflecting from the stories
in your eyes
deeply within me
your history
flows through the space
between us
aching my heart feels
the pain you once felt
moistened your eyes become
when speaking of a lost one
breaking my soul
bends in the tune of your sadness
whispering the butterfly
assures me of your love
with the rain it washes away
any doubt of a soul mate
clear becomes the storm
awakening to true fate
endless love
pulsing in each heart beat

Vibrations of love

Fort Wilson Riot
Subterranean, Chicago IL 

Jam Session

Jumped on the train
movin with the colors of the clouds
shifting tracks; destination unknown
flying fast having never flown--
--this high in the past
the reflection of those days
twist up in smoke
released by the water passing by
imprinted in my minds eye
vibrant green--
--in rhythm with the rolling hills
intertwining the tracks
of well traveled facts
still guided by the voices 
that linger in the wind--
--energy felt from a shooting star
never forgotten; endured
closer than before but still unknown
a new course has been shown
full advantage I will take
--my heart is open
