
Too soft for sound

Everything feels so close, within my fingertips but invisible. Numb tongue in rhyme and lips frozen between kisses.


Oceans of Emotions

Can everything go back to simple? 
Look outside and breathe in nature, that is simple. 
These lives colored in by expectations and labels, the layers of false beliefs. They consume us, and it is up to us to break free. I can't chant enough right now, in pure happiness yes - to be born as human and to have the love within my heart that I hold. 
Recently I lost my job, at first everything seemed to fall down around me. Then I realized those walls were not built by me. They were built by false illusions.
I need to do what I love ---> ART, MUSIC.
I'm looking into the thought of 'Art Media Management'
I'm sick of working these jobs that just stroke somebody sitting up in a cloud pointing their finger; I am a leader within my heart. This life is calling me, I can feel it. The purpose my soul is set out to take may seem like its covered in fire and smoke, unable to reach out to me. But it does not need to; for it is within my self


Two become One

Sitting from my desk the sun cuts through my stretched out windows. Tangled with the winter wind, whispers of tempting heat. 

Let us make love again, creating spring.

Don't hold back from me. 

"A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse,
can travel ten thousand miles; 
and green ivy that twines around the tall pine
can grow to a thousand feet.
I was born the son of the one Buddha, Shakyamuni ,
and I serve the King of scriptures, the Lotus Sutra."



New Home

Officially settled down into my new home. 
The yard stretches its arms out down a hill into a steady stream. What fortune it is to have found a house near water! 
The most sincere contemplations can take shape while surrendering your self into the water. Just sitting there, listening to its laughter and taking in the reflection. 

It's a beautiful home and I feel so fortunate and blessed to be here, and to have Niña here with me. 
This year will be a year of establishing my freedom.
Breaking down the illusion of "freedom." 

Setting my heart free in the midst of confusion.

I'm sure all of us experience the weight of being human. This pressure put upon us from somewhere unknown to find our life purpose. To get that degree in something and find that job. Is that completely natural to have to settle in something outside of yourself, to pick one thing that defines your intellectual being? What if our soul is pulled in every direction, in complete balance? 

Triangles of connections to every planet and star. 

Beings of Light.


Press Play

Meditation today kept me on track, centered in the midst of confusion. Bathed in light by my spirit guide, it was truly an opening experience. My journal is overflowing with thoughts; circles of memories intertwining themselves into my heart.  Nothing structured, just endless sparks of burning leaves in this snow. 

Song in progress -->

I met you before I saw you
Kissed your lips through the wind
A hummingbird passed
and whispered your sins
Memories from lifetimes ago
flooding my minds soul
Turn up the bass
and level the guitar
this rhythm needs a treble
unknown to many afar
The breathing of statues
radiating through
sending a colorful picture 
of life through truth

Can you feel it?
Can you dream it?
Wake up!
Can you touch it?
Is it you?

I forgot how much I missed your rhythm
and the color of your eyes
Speak loudly
for my mind is swimming through time
I found you again
through layers of light
Keep playing
Please, I cannot breathe without music
Each beat the breath of life
My veins the strings on your guitar
my heart
the drummers skin
Unfold me within
the pages of your notes

Can you feel it?
Can you dream it?
Wake up!
Can you touch it?
Is it you?

Please, don't say no.


Light through Darkness

Mother Nature is changing and we as one with the earth will feel these changes too in our lives.  
 The warm January sun embraces the trees and the spirit of life overtakes the forest.

My Soulmate
Her tender heart feels at home when surrounded by nature, in sync with my own. 


Unfold Me

Memories and moments that I have destroyed burn their way through my soul.

They are flaming red, heated with passion and love. They are coal black, flaming with hate and anger. Nothing ends. Nothing ever ends. I have a thousand tattoos on my soul. Even if I remove them, there are scars. Scars that can never fade. The birth of spring hidden beneath winter pulses through these fallen leaves inside. They shake with change and their colors seem brighter than ever. Why do these moments keep changing colors? These leaves have lost their life and have fallen into the deepest of my being. 
How can they still be alive? 
I'm burning inside. 
I'm exploding from within.
Not with anger anymore though; with a pull onto my soul from the depth of the sky. Something bigger outside of myself calling my name. Settling down right now feels like death when change and movement is the breath of life.

The bitter shiver blows through the cracks in the walls. Even still, the sun is shining through, showing its everlasting beauty through the frosted wind. 
Today is a beautiful day. Life is absolutely breathtaking, thousands of folds to unravel. This year more than ever I need to establish my freedom. In the moment of fuzing my heart with my lover, a hidden piece will always be safe deep in the depths of my soul. Living together I know will be absolutely amazing but it is more important now more than ever to take control of my path. Keeping it separate and on point with my calling.

Which is what, exactly?
For I am light.

Amongst the walking dead.