
Too soft for sound

Everything feels so close, within my fingertips but invisible. Numb tongue in rhyme and lips frozen between kisses.


Oceans of Emotions

Can everything go back to simple? 
Look outside and breathe in nature, that is simple. 
These lives colored in by expectations and labels, the layers of false beliefs. They consume us, and it is up to us to break free. I can't chant enough right now, in pure happiness yes - to be born as human and to have the love within my heart that I hold. 
Recently I lost my job, at first everything seemed to fall down around me. Then I realized those walls were not built by me. They were built by false illusions.
I need to do what I love ---> ART, MUSIC.
I'm looking into the thought of 'Art Media Management'
I'm sick of working these jobs that just stroke somebody sitting up in a cloud pointing their finger; I am a leader within my heart. This life is calling me, I can feel it. The purpose my soul is set out to take may seem like its covered in fire and smoke, unable to reach out to me. But it does not need to; for it is within my self