
Dance with me

It's really the only time besides when in nature that my heart feels completely in light. When in music and when surrounded by love. This same euphoric state is whispered through the wind when sitting underneath a tree. Holding onto this feeling slips away sometimes but the light is always there. Always. Listening to the leaves break as they fall into the open arms of mother nature. The rhythm held by the earths vibration. Capturing memories of a seasons embrace. Just as lovers come and go, just as seasons change. Our heart hold a light that is eternal. 
We don't need any THING.  

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

You are all forever

My fallen leaves of memories 

We can fade together

When our bodies break
Our connections will still vibrate through the stars

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins

We are the sunrise
Let go of everything

^Photo credit: Signe Higgins 

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